Frequently Asked Questions.

Q: What is this thing?
A: The Mr./Ms. Paragon/Rogue Isles is a basic, single player Costume Contest, but like no other. It will be held accross all servers in two rounds, with the finals being in the Test Server. It is organized by the Player Events Resource Committee (P.E.R.C.), so it is primarily a contest made by Players, for Players.

Q: When and where will the contest be held?
A: The contest is held in two rounds. The first round is for each individual server. The second round will be on the test server with the finalists selected frm each individual one. The in-game location will be Pocket D.
The dates for the contest will be the following:

*Note: If you make the finals you must attend this date for the final judging or be disqualified
Contestants will be staggered, so that no one has to sit there waiting for three hours before being judged. The times for each part of the contest will be as follows:
Q: What will be the criteria for judging?
A: The rules for the contest are the following:

Q: I heard the costume had to be tied to the particular Archetype of the character. Is this correct?
A: No. During our first contest there was some controversy regarding this very topic, but it doesn't apply at all this year. We want to see your character, what was your concept and how you executed it with the costume you created.

Q: Do we need a screenshot? And is the judging done via screenshots only?
A: The individual server contests will be judged by in-game appearance at Pocket D alone, the screenshots will not be used to judge except in the unlikely event of one judge not being able to make it to the finals in Test (and even then, we'll be taking screenshots of the contestants, so we can add them ourselves if needed). We ask for screenshots to be submitted early to make life easier for the Scoop crew to report on the contests, other (possibly humorous) reports on the different contests, etc. If you are unhappy with the screenshot you submitted,
contact us. We will be happy to help with replacements in any way you need.

Q: What about player bios/multiple costumes/etc.?
A: Unfortunately, with 11 servers and 100 people per category each server, it is very difficult to spend much time with each individual contestant without dragging the contests for hours. The judging will be based on your character's costume for the preliminaries and that's it. Finalists will be asked to fill out a questionnaire with a mix of player- and character-based questions, giving a chance for a more complete RP element in the final judging (and trust us, last year, with so many great characters to choose from, these questions actually became a tie breaker more than once!).

Q: Who will be doing the judging?
A: Three P.E.R.C. Reps will do the judging of the preliminaries, and for the final 44 in the Test Server it will be the entire P.E.R.C.; P.E.R.C. reps are barred from judging in their "home" server(s), so any individual server will be judged by the same group of people -for consistency- but excluding those that may know you.

Q: What's the point of having the finals in the Test Server if that won't affect my actual Live character?
A: The final will be held in the test server to have everyone together, but the in-game prizes (the Yellow Titles) will be handed out on the Live server. Say, Super Bob plays in Guardian and wins the server contest. He then copies his character to the Test Server, and goes and wins the Final too, becoming the overall winner. Super Bob will have the Yellow Title applied to his character in Guardian itself.

Q: How can I correct a mistake in my sign-up?
A: Contact us! The P.E.R.C. is full of people waiting for anyone to have trouble to fix it for them! Do not contact in-game support for problems with the contest. NCSoft GMs will not be able to help you. Contact us directly!

Q: I've changed my mind. How can I remove my character from the contest?
A: Contact us. We'll do it for you in no time. Again, don't contact in-game support for this, they really can't help you.

Q: The website behaved odd for me. How can I check if my entry went through?
A: Contact us. (See the pattern yet?) If you received a confirmation page repeating the data you entered in the sign-up, then your entry is fine. For the most common "problems", there is a descriptive error message telling you how to fix it. If you don't get one, let us know what your problem is and we'll help you. Promise!

Q: How can I contact you?
A: Well, you can try the contact page.

© 2007-2010 P.E.R.C., NCSoft is a Trademark of NCSoft. Even if it's not mentioned anywhere else in the page, I thought it worth mentioning. Paragon means "a perfect embodiment of a concept," just in case you were curious. I like pie.